Committed to preserving
the doctor-patient relationship
and quality care
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The OPT-In Difference, It's about You

When it comes to all things health, things have really changed. It used to be all about your relationship with your doctor, someone that knew you. Today, we may find ourselves too often being herded, categorized, and processed. Unfortunately, that can happen when those not directly involved in care wield influence over decisions about our care. We believe it should be all about you.

OPT-In is a Philosophy that places you, the Patient, First.


The first difference you'll notice upon visiting our website is our frank honesty. We will tell you that most dentists are also very honest, concerned, and work hard to provide you with great care. Our website will help you find a dentist by explaining what to look for amongst the different types of dentists and dental offices.

We're willing to do this because the OPT-In Philosophy requires Honesty.


A second difference is our transparency. While most all dental treatment is very successful, sometimes things don't work as planned. Sometimes, it's about being human. We make mistakes like everyone else. One dentist likened dentistry to that of a watchmaker working through a keyhole in a pool of saliva. Pretty graphic description, but that is how difficult our world can be. Sometimes things don't work because teeth chew or clench at over 500 psi, a force large enough to cause real damage. Problems can also stem from patients demanding treatment their dentist has advised against. The proper Doctor-Patient relationship is a trusting, true partnership.

We're willing to discuss all aspects of care because, the OPT-In Philosophy requires Transparency.


The last difference is our belief that the doctor-patient relationship matters. We'll educate you in how to look for a dentist and the differences that can make OPT-In Dental Advantage Dental Offices a better alternative. In return, we ask for your understanding that your OPT-In Dental Advantage Dentist is a true partner in your care.

OPT-In Dental Advantage Dentists have your best interests at heart because, because the OPT-In Philosophy emphasizes professional Integrity.


Please take time to read other pages packed with information to help you. Additionally, our blogs are designed to inform you about important topics and research that will stimulate open discussions. Most of all, don't forget to rate your dental visits so that others will benefit from your guidance.

Welcome to OPT-In Dental Advantage.