If It Seems Too Good To Be True, It Probably Is

The ad says, “Dental implants, only $299!” You think to yourself, “That is $2,000 less than the other dentist!” Must be a great deal, right? Unfortunately, some dental offices have begun using tricks that in the past only unscrupulous car dealers have used. They pull you in on a cheap price but fail to mention all the other services you might have to pay for, such as teeth cleaning, gum treatments, x-rays, bone graft, healing cap, etc, etc. And of course, you will need a temporary crown, a permanent crown, molds, etc, all possibly extra expenses. Before you know it, you might be paying more than double what you would have paid elsewhere.

Bait & Switch

Sometimes, a well intentioned and trustworthy dentist will offer a legitimate, low priced service to introduce their practice. They will never try to up-sell or push you into other services at far higher prices. They will always be respectful and do all they can to make you feel comfortable.

You will know a trustworthy traditional dental office by its low key, low pressure atmosphere, and willingness to spend time with you. But, watch out for the others. For example, there have been reports of patients who have never had gum disease or other problems being told they needed an expensive series of treatments. Denture patients seeking a low price might receive new dentures with inferior materials and fit that causes more problems than they solve. Patients seeking a free cleaning might be told they need fillings and crowns that in reality, they might not need.

How and Why does this happen

Some, but not all large dental chains and other practice types have been accused of deliberately providing misleading information and unneeded treatments. They are often said to use professional “closers” to move patients into dental treatment they don’t need or want, and in some cases, can’t afford. In fact, there have been claims of children being forcefully restrained to undergo extensive and expensive unneeded treatment.

In North Carolina, speaking of large dental chains, the state dental board asserted that “some management companies bill patients for unneeded care and otherwise operate illegally.” Bloomberg News reported allegations of private equity [investor] owned dental office chains pressuring revenues and profits ahead of traditional dental care ethics. The online news article quoted the North Carolina Dental Society in asserting that dentists may be pressured to meet quotas and perform more-expensive treatments “instead of focusing on what’s best for patients.”

Find a Dentist you can Trust

As is often said, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. If staff and dentist have made every effort to make you comfortable, explain everything completely, answer all your questions, and you didn’t feel like they were trying to sell you services you didn’t need or want, you probably found a good dentist and office. Otherwise, you might want to keep looking.

Dentists you can trust, regardless of the office setting, will always take the time to explain your dental health, what you might need, and all your options. The dentist might review with you, or introduce a qualified team member who will help guide you through details. The office staff will always want you to feel at ease and want you to know that if you need treatment, the treatment you decide upon was designed by your dentist, not by an unqualified business person with a separate agenda.

All our OPT-In Dental Advantage dentists hope you have a great experience at the dental office of your choice. If needed, use our dental directory to find a dentist near you.

Live Longer Through Proper Oral Health Care

Did you know that not cleaning your teeth could lead to death? Italian researchers reported in 2009 that moderately inflamed gums caused narrowing of the carotid artery that leads to the brain. They also found that after teeth cleaning the inflammation disappeared and the carotid artery returned to normal. This is important because, if allowed to continue, narrowing of the carotid artery can lead to devastating cardiovascular disease, such as stroke and even death. The fact is, oral health is related to our broader, general health, and associated with many other diseases.

Connection Between Oral Health and Disease

According to the Mayo Clinic, our oral health can affect, be affected by, or be associated with a variety of diseases, including, heart disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, Sjorgen’s, and even premature and low weight births.

One of the lesser known links is respiratory disease that affects the lungs and other parts that help us breath. These diseases can include a head cold, pneumonia, and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), which sometimes lead to death. Pneumonia can be caused by oral fluids infested with bacteria that the body fails to control. According to Weidlich and her team of researchers who studied 19 reports, “…there is fair evidence of an association of pneumonia with oral health…” They went on to report “…that improved oral hygiene and professional oral health care reduces the progression or occurrence of respiratory diseases among high-risk elderly adults. A recent prospective study conducted with 697 elderly individuals observed that the adjusted mortality due to pneumonia was 3.9 times higher in subjects with periodontal (gum) disease.”

Diabetes, a disease of insulin deficiency, is another well known disease with close ties to poor oral hygiene and gum disease. The disease elevates sugar levels in blood and oral secretions. The excess sugar increases bacterial plaque that can lead to gum disease, a problem affecting 75% of adult populations. Diabetes is a disease that makes oral conditions worse, which then makes life for the diabetic patient harder than it needs to be. If allowed to fester, deteriorating gums and a weakened immune system from diabetes will hasten the arrival and danger of other diseases.

Treating and Preventing Periodontal Gum Disease

The good news is gum disease is very treatable and preventable. In the International Journal of Preventive Medicine, September, 2013, Dr. M. Gulati referred to our mouths as “ ‘the gateway of the body,’ periodontal disease – ‘a silent disease’ and periopathogens – ‘termites’.” To stop the disease we need to eliminate the “termites,” the bacteria in our mouths cause all the problems. The best way to accomplish both is to first, understand the proper way to clean and floss our teeth, use the right kind of toothbrush, or even better, an electric toothbrush, and visit the dentist on a regular basis for teeth cleaning. Most importantly, if your dentist finds a gum infection beginning, or an infection that has established itself, take care of it right away. It could add years to your life. If you need help finding a dentist near you, please visit our Find a Dentist page.

Published by Dentistry IQ: Survey reveals nearly half of all patients consider visiting their dentist a “necessary evil”

Dentistry IQ Article: February 4, 2016

One out of three Americans admits to being nervous about seeing their dentist, and nearly half consider dental visits a “necessary evil,” according to the results of an online survey conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of OPT-In Dental Advantage released Feb. 3. The survey found that misconceptions about dental visits persist among a significant portion of Americans.

The survey of more than 2,000 adults also revealed that older patients tend to have more negative perceptions of dental visits than their younger counterparts, and nearly one in five of those polled lack certainty about their personal dental health. Only a meager 18% said they actually “look forward” to time in the dental chair.

One out of three Americans admits to being nervous about seeing their dentist, and nearly half consider dental visits a “necessary evil,” according to the results of an online survey conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of OPT-In Dental Advantage released Feb. 3. The survey found that misconceptions about dental visits persist among a significant portion of Americans.

The survey of more than 2,000 adults also revealed that older patients tend to have more negative perceptions of dental visits than their younger counterparts, and nearly one in five of those polled lack certainty about their personal dental health. Only a meager 18% said they actually “look forward” to time in the dental chair.

“Despite considerable advancements in preventive care and technology, making dentistry easier and more comfortable than ever before, dental patients still have real concerns about dental visits,” said Dr. Dean Mersky, OPT-In Dental Advantage founder and president.

How can dentists work to change this misconception, which in turn will help their patients relax, and hopefully encourage them to visit their dentist more often?

“As dentists, we tend to focus on the science, the technical and the art of delivering dental care,” Dr. Mersky explained. “We sometimes forget the human side of what we do, the part that cares for our patients’ emotions. There are generally three emotions driving apprehension—the unknown, past experiences, and the natural tendency to avoid perceived danger near our heads. The best thing we dentists can do to help alleviate these emotions is to take the time to understand which are at play, to what extent, and why.”

To help with this effort, OPT-In is launching a dental education campaign, Speaking The Tooth, focused on dispelling patients’ fears by sharing free and accessible information about everything from the reality of how dental insurance works to what patients should ask their dentist at every check-up. Dentists are encouraged to share this information with their patients, empowering both patients and dentists to communicate more openly and effectively, a primary goal of OPT-In.

“Patients are constantly assessing, trying to determine whether they like us and want to return,” Dr. Mersky said. “If they like us, they might refer others. We need to help our patients notice and understand the positives in our offices. We need to make them feel welcome and comfortable in the office environment. Then we need to provide them with focused, quality time to ask questions without interruption. During those discussions, we can allay misgivings and help them understand the advantages of the care we provide. Taking the time to show real interest in patients is the surest way to bridge gaps and build trust.”

Learn more at www.optindentaladvantage.com

Knowing Your Dentist Can Save You Money

When you visit your dentist, who’s making the decisions about your care? Sitting in an isolated corporate center, national dental chain executives over-diagnose and financially fleece unsuspecting patients, according to New York’s attorney general, Eric Schneiderman.

On June 18, 2015, the Schneiderman published a press release explaining the $450,000 settlement reached with a private equity owned, dental management company (DSO). In the settlement, the DSO was ordered to stop “making decisions about patient care in New York clinics.” With similar settlements in other states, the DSO has paid over $2 Million dollars in fines.

The settlement requires the DSO, with $635 Million in annual revenues, to “not dictate the care provided by dentists and hygienists at dental practices, not split patients’ fees with the clinics, which is illegal in New York, and make clear to consumers that the company is not a provider of dental services.”

Many dental offices in the U.S. are owned and managed by DSOs. One of the problems that can arise with these corporate owned practices is that decisions about patient care are made off site by someone other than the dentist who is examining you. And often, these decisions are made to maximize profit rather than based on what is best for the patient.

“Medical and dental decisions should be made by licensed providers using their best clinical judgment, and should not be influenced by management companies’ shared interest in potential profits,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “By enforcing New York’s laws banning the corporate practice of medicine and fee-splitting between medical practitioners and non-licensed individuals and entities, today’s agreement ensures that New Yorkers receive quality dental care.”

This company has also been fined by Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Kansas, and in October, 2015, Indiana, for similar or other alleged violations.

According to the press release, the complaints filed by several hundred consumers were about specific dentist office locations of the DSO “regarding quality of care, billing practices, misleading advertising, upselling of dental services and products the consumers felt were unnecessary, and unclear or incomplete terms for the financing of dental care.” The attorney general’s investigation “revealed” that the DSO had developed “extensive control” over the offices it managed, including sharing profits. According to Attorney General Schneiderman, the DSO “routinely makes business decisions for the clinics that directly impacted patient care. Those practices included incentivizing and otherwise pressuring staff to increase sales of dental services and products…” including, hygienists being told “to sell more products and services to patients.”

The DSO refuted the allegations, but per the settlement, agreed to remain independent of each practice’s dental care decisions and fees, bank accounts, and financial decisions.

Dental management companies marketing to consumers have their own organization. Many, including the above, agree to a “code of ethics” as a condition of membership in the Association of Dental Services Organizations (ADSO).  The Attorney General’s allegations, if true, would be a violation of ADSO membership ethics. Does that mean all ADSO members’ ethical standards are suspect?

We don’t believe every DSO violates ethical standards. But it tells a cautionary tale that we need to be careful, because a well branded dental office might not always be the best place for quality dental care. Another question is do dental organizations have a responsibility to protect patients. For the members of OPT-In Dental Advantage, the answer is yes. We believe patients deserve as much protection as possible. Considering that the above company has been fined in multiple states and has faced large numbers of patient complaints, leaves us wondering how many dental organizations agree with us.

When looking for a good dental office, Find a dentist you can trust, one that will be there for your entire family today and for years to come. And, be sure to check out our Code of Ethics to help you judge your dental visit, because a great relationship provides peace of mind and lasting value.

Which Toothpaste is Safest to Use?

What we don’t know about toothpaste could ruin our teeth. If we want to prevent that, we need to read the labels that describe what is in the toothpaste and understand their meaning.

Toothpaste always seems to make our mouths feel clean and refreshed. That’s because of the mint-like flavoring and the foaming nature of most brands. Unfortunately, while the minty flavor and foaming make us feel better, they have nothing to do with cleaning our teeth. The actual cleaning comes from abrasive particles and/or chemical agents. But, abrasiveness can be bad for our teeth, and not all chemical agents work the same.

How Whitening Toothpastes Work

Whitening toothpastes often rely on whitening chemicals, but can also include abrasive particles to clean our teeth. Research shows that chemicals called enzymes slightly “reduced the naturally occurring stains more efficiently than the abrasive paste …” That’s because the abrasive particles remove plaque that is stained, but they won’t whiten enamel, especially in areas difficult for toothbrush bristles to reach.

According to the same research, some whitening toothpastes that are highly abrasive should not be used for more than 4 weeks. Doing so could scrape enamel and damage your teeth. Those low in abrasiveness that contain sodium bicarbonate will remove “considerably more tooth stain” than regular toothpaste, but only after 4 to 6 weeks.

Whitening toothpastes that rely more on enzymes (such as Papain or Bemoelain), destroy the tooth film where bacteria and stain accumulate. Papain, a papaya extract, is reported to have healing properties that reduce inflammation and is kind to enamel because it is non acidic. These are the best properties for whitening sensitive teeth. Additionally, whitening toothpastes with enzymes are reported to have a longer whitening effect after 2 months than those that rely on abrasives, alone, for whitening.

Does Fluoride Toothpaste Help Sensitivity?

Carbonated drinks and fruit juices are naturally acidic and will make sensitive teeth worse. According to research, rinsing with different kinds of fluoride can reduce tooth erosion from acids and abrasives, and reduce sensitivity. Rinsing with stannous fluoride or titanium fluoride had the best results, while sodium fluoride was far less positive.

The best way to minimize sensitivity is to avoid acids, of which carbonated drinks are high on the list. If you are having acids, make sure you use low abrasive toothpaste and brush not sooner than several hours after having consumed acidic substances. As for which toothpaste works best in reducing sensitivity, one research report indicated Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief was more effective than Sensodyne Rapid Relief.

Can Fluoride in Toothpaste Prevent Cavities?

Yes, but not the same for everyone, and in every location. Fluoride must accumulate to prevent cavities because its concentration is normally low. That means, for the best results, we need fluoridated drinking water (which varies by location) along with fluoride toothpaste. Those who are cavity prone or have very sensitive teeth might need their dental professional to apply and/or prescribe stronger fluoride gels or rinses.

HELP! I Have a Toothache!

Why do teeth hurt?  

Teeth are alive. They have nerves, blood vessels, and ligaments like other areas of the body. They can become infected, suffer a sprain, fracture or break, and, they can become sensitive to changes in temperature. While some problems need the attention of your dentist, other problems might go away on their own.

Hurts only when I chew

Teeth are suspended in your jaw bone by ligaments. Those ligaments can be accidentally over-stretched and sprained, just like an ankle. When that happens, giving it rest by not chewing on it often makes the pain go away in about a week. But, if it doesn’t go away, it might need to be examined by your dentist, who can determine if there is a fracture or maybe a bite alignment problem.

Tooth hurts all the time

When this happens, you definitely need the professional opinion of your dentist. But don’t automatically think the worst. Sometimes, a sprain can continue until a slight adjustment is made. However, continued pain could be the sign of infection or deep fracture in the tooth that sometimes is not salvageable.

Another source is bacteria caused deep decay or tooth infection. The normal remedy for this can be removing the decay, and the area of infection. If the infection is too deep, it might require cleaning the interior of the tooth, a procedure called root canal therapy.

Painful infection can also be found in the gums surrounding a tooth. This happens when food particles attracting bacteria remain trapped, deep in the gums. The inflammation that follows will cause redness to your gums, and sometimes bleeding in the area. With time, the infection will destroy the bone and could cause tooth loss.

Tooth hurts certain times of day

These problems can be mysteries, because tooth pain is not always a tooth problem. Referred pain occurs when a problem in one part of the body is felt in another part. In the mouth, jaw problems might be felt in your teeth. Also, sinus problems will sometimes feel like a toothache. Your dentist will do an exam, maybe take some x-rays, and be able to tell you what is happening and how to fix it.

My tooth is sensitive to cold, but not really a toothache

Thousands of people have this problem. It happens when the enamel protecting the nerves of the tooth is rubbed too thin, or is partially missing. The uncovered inner tooth exposes raw nerve endings to extreme temperature changes that can make a tooth momentarily sensitive and uncomfortable. Your dentist will check these areas and suggest a solution, which might involve covering the areas or, applying a protective gel. But, it also might include changing to less abrasive toothpaste.

Can I have a bad tooth without pain?

Yes, and this happens often. A tooth can have deep decay, or even a bad infection with no symptoms. These can only be discovered by your dentist during an exam.


Sometimes a painful tooth will get better on its own. Too often, however, an achy tooth will only get worse if not addressed. The best thing to do whenever you have a tooth bothering you is, visit your dentist. They can help eliminate the problem, and make you feel better in the process.

If needed, please use our website to find a dentist near you today!


Which Tooth Brush Should I Us? Does it Matter?

Which Tooth Brush Should I Use

Plaque around the gums can cause bad breath, infection, and ultimately, lead to tooth loss. However, the precursor of plaque begins to form almost immediately after we brush our teeth. The pre cursor, called, pellicle, is a natural occurring protective layer. But, if allowed to collect debris and bacteria, it will eventually form, plaque, the bad coating we try to remove when we brush and floss our teeth. That’s why most dentists and hygienists recommend brushing for two to three minutes, twice daily.

Manual Toothbrushes

Using a toothbrush the wrong way with the wrong toothpaste can saw your teeth in half and cause gum recession. With enough damage, your teeth can become brittle and break.

Toothbrush bristles can be soft, medium or, stiff, can have rounded or jagged tips, and have straight or irregular bristle rows. Dentists generally agree with research that shows hard bristles are better at removing plaque but sometimes disagree on other factors about stiffness. According to research, anything abrasive to your teeth, like using “gritty” toothpaste, can be damaging. Consequently, it is better to use non abrasive toothpaste. You will also want to ask your dental team the best way to brush without causing damage.

Cheap toothbrushes very often have jagged, blade-like, tips that can cut the gums (Research) and lead to inflammation and infection. You always want to use a toothbrush with rounded tips, like the one in the photo from SuperSmile. Designed by a dentist, Dr. Irwin Smigel, it has medium stiffness and very nicely rounded bristle tips.

Most toothbrushes have straight rows and flat alignment to their bristles. Some have bristles angled in different directions. The tooth brush in the photo has an arc shape to the bristles that when angled 45°, allows only bristle tips to contact the teeth when brushing correctly. The center row of bristles at the peak of the arc can more easily access the hard to reach areas of the gums. But, some toothbrush manufactures have designed their bristles to angle in different directions, promising to be more effective. However, research shows those tested with multi angled bristle rows perform no better than those with straight rows. Make sure to ask your dental team for a toothbrush recommendation. They have seen the results and will know best.


Power Toothbrushes

Most research tells us that power tooth brushes, with hundreds of movements per use, clean our teeth better than manual toothbrushes. That’s important because, the longer plaque stays, the faster it grows. Using a power toothbrush has been shown by research to be much more predictable at removing plaque than is a manual toothbrush.

Many dental professionals recommend power toothbrushes, but which power toothbrush works best? According to at least one report, the oscillating type is better at removing plaque after both 4 and 12 weeks, than a purely sonic type. However, because the findings were only observations, not real research, the authors ultimately reported that both power toothbrushes were superior to manual toothbrushes. It’s best to ask your dentist about their experience and recommendation.



Most importantly, we need to brush twice per day for at least 2 minutes with non abrasive tooth paste. And, if possible, we should try to use a power toothbrush with the same non abrasive toothpaste.

In all cases, it is equally important to floss and brush correctly, techniques your dentist or dental hygienist can show you. A great time to review these techniques is during your teeth cleaning, which for most people, should be twice each year.

What the heck is a dental crown, and do I really need it?

You just visited your dental office for a cleaning and exam. Your teeth felt fine going in, but your dentist just told you that one of your teeth needs a crown. What now?

Crowns & Broken or Decayed Teeth

In most cases, a tooth needs a crown when the decayed or broken portion is salvageable, but too large for a filling to predictably last. The crown is normally made from tooth colored ceramic, covers the visible area of the entire tooth, or, covers only the problem area.

In addition to repairing large or deep areas of decay and missing portions of teeth, crowns are also used to control fractures, correct bite and alignment problems, and improve esthetics.

When Will I Need a Crown?

Dentists sometimes disagree about when a crown is needed. Because dental treatment can be very subjective, it’s normal for dentists to have different but valid opinions about how to fix the same problem.

For example, a fracture running through a molar might not have symptoms, yet. But many dentists know that a fracture could split later and cause you to lose your tooth. What we don’t know, because x-rays normally don’t show us, is how deep the fracture is.

Looking at other clues, we have to decide whether a less expensive filling would work, be a temporary fix, or just make things worse.

For example, if you chew ice, experience tells us a crown might be the best solution because of its added strength. These are judgment calls you and your dentist will decide upon together.

Dental Crown Options

There are different types of crowns you and your dentist can choose from, depending on your budget and the condition of your teeth.

  • Partial Crown: If only a portion of a tooth is to be covered, a “partial” crown made from tooth-colored ceramic or metal, such as gold, can be used.
  • Full Crown: If the entire tooth is to be covered by a “full” crown, the choices are broader, including different types of tooth-colored ceramic, ceramic covered metal, or 100% gold or silver metal.

As you discuss the options with your dentist, you may want to consider if your teeth need whitening or if you would like to correct other areas near your new crown.

Your dentist might point out, for example, that if an adjacent misshapen filling is not managed it will cause your new crown to also be misshapen. Your dentist can identify other potential improvements, explain your options, and help you reach the right decision.

Don’t Forget to Ask Your Dentist

Fortunately, when you need more than a cleaning, most dentists are trustworthy and only want what is best for you. They will take the time to make sure you are well informed and your questions have all been thoroughly answered, including anticipated costs, insurance, and required appointments.

It should be the kind of experience that makes you feel good about your visit and want to refer others. You might want to reconsider, however, if you feel rushed or pressured, or that a non dentist is making your treatment decisions.

Also make sure the dentist is the one adjusting and permanently placing your new crown, two functions dental assistants are not legally allowed to perform.

So, Do I really Need a Crown?

When your dentist says you need a crown, you probably do, even if the tooth doesn’t hurt. Ask your dentist to explain their findings and all your options, including fillings. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the procedures and finances, and that you haven’t been rushed or pressured.

If you have any additional questions or concerns head on over to review our section on crowns, and make sure you read our members’ Code of Ethics. These are great first steps in making sure you find a dentist you can trust, and receive the quality care you deserve.


Smile With Confidence, Thanks to Your Dentist!

I graduated from dental school in 1976. At that time, the job of a dentist was to correct and eliminate dental problems to help patients chew better and more comfortably. We didn’t worry much about appearance or a person’s smile because the materials and techniques we had, short of braces, weren’t advanced enough to make remarkable improvements.

A few years out of school I caught myself looking at teeth when people spoke, instead of other parts of the face.I began asking my patients if they did the same thing, and yes, we all were looking at teeth. That’s when I began to appreciate how big a role our teeth play in our appearance and how others see us. Many of my patients expressed the similar thoughts.

Fortunately, dentistry now has a vast array of methods to help patients have the best smile possible.

How Can a Dentist Help Improve My Smile?

Dentists today have a variety of tools and procedures they can utilize to help improve your smile.  The first part of the process is to define your goals and ultimately how you want your smile to look.

Your dentist can then help decide upon the right tools to accomplish these goals. The quickest and least expensive improvement could simply be whitening your teeth to make your smile brighter and more appealing.

Sometimes, the right fix is having the teeth reshaped or modified with beautiful porcelain coverings. Straightening your teeth and bite corrections are also possibilities. But in any case, improving our smiles can be very rewarding, even life changing.

Why Should I Consider Cosmetic Dental Care?

Regardless of the reason or occasion, there is plenty of research to support why we should care about making a good first impression. During a study conducted by Kelton Research, people were asked to judge smiling faces with different teeth problems.

Overwhelmingly, people with nice looking and whiter teeth were judged more positively by appearing happier, more socially attuned, and predictably more successful. A few of the findings from Kelton’s study, and from a separate study in England include:

About 30% said a person’s teeth were the first section of the face they noticed. Individuals with pleasantly aligned teeth were 45% more likely to be hired over those with equal skills and experience but less attractive teeth. People with nice teeth are believed to be healthier and more intelligent. About 75% believe people with nice smiles are more trustworthy. 94% between 18 and 50 years of age are likely to notice a person’s smile the first time they meet.71% thought that people with nice smiles make friends easier.

With all this good news, it is easy to see the positive influence having a great smile can have on our self-esteem, social life, work life, and in maintaining a positive attitude. In fact, it is one of the most important first steps in forging new, positive, and long lasting relationships of all kinds.

Talk to Your Dentist about How he can Help You!

Today’s dentists can help people in new ways not possible in the past. We now know the mouth is not only the gateway to health for our entire body, but also plays a key role in other aspects of our lives.

As you begin the quest of improving your smile, look to our website for guidance in how to find a dentist you can trust with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide the smile you are looking for. Then, look forward to having a beautiful and healthy smile that can boost confidence and open doors we never knew existed. That is a lot to smile about.

Should I Whiten or Bleach My Teeth?

In the last few years, whitening and bleaching teeth has become more popular as a way to create an attractive, sparkling smile. But before you get started, there are a few things you should know.

The Color Matters

Dentin, one of the inner materials of teeth, is naturally yellow, and as the enamel on the surface of teeth wears away, it’s normal for teeth to start showing this hue.

On the other hand, teeth may also become gray or brown because of the materials used in previous dental procedures, the consumption of staining items like tea or tobacco, or even experiencing disease within the mouth.

Fortunately, most patients will respond well to tooth whitening. Those with yellow teeth are more likely to see benefits, while those with gray or brown teeth may not see as much improvement from standard whitening procedures.

Continue reading about Should I Whiten or Bleach My Teeth?