Did you know that 33% of Americans didn’t visit the dentist last year? And even more shocking, 25% of Americans don’t regularly brush and floss their teeth. If you fall into either of these categories, it’s time for a change that can save you time, money, and pain.
What is Preventive Care?
Preventive care is everything you do to keep tooth decay and gum disease from ever happening in the first place. Most issues such as cavities and periodontal disease can easily be avoided by even the most basic preventive care. Good preventive care includes brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day, as well as rinsing your mouth or brushing your teeth after every meal. It also includes regular dental checkups to spot the warning signs of dental disease, and treatments such as dental sealants and fluoride varnish meant to strengthen and protect healthy teeth.
How Does Preventive Care Save Me Time?
Taking a few minutes every day to take care of your teeth saves you hours of restorative care down the road. You won’t have to take time off of work or other activities to visit the dentist for a procedure that can last 2 or 3 hours, or even require multiple treatments. Also, if you regularly visit a dentist you trust, and tooth damage does happen unexpectedly, you’ll be able to quickly get an appointment with a dentist you trust rather than frantically Googling “find a dentist near me” and having to consult a dentist you don’t know for your emergency dental work.
How Is Preventive Care Less Painful?
Brushing and flossing your teeth daily should not cause pain. (If it does, try using a softer toothbrush and increasing the frequency of brushing and flossing.) However, if you allow plaque and tartar to build up on your teeth, the restorative care necessary to treat the cavity can be uncomfortable, not to mention the pain of a toothache beforehand.
How Does Preventive Care Save Me Money?
The cost of a toothbrush and toothpaste is minute in comparison to how much it costs to get a root canal or filling. Even routine checkups are less costly, and are more likely to be covered by insurance. It is in your best interest to brush your teeth twice a day and visit the dentist regularly to care for your teeth. If it’s been a while since your last appointment, find a dentist today!