Committed to preserving
the doctor-patient relationship
and quality care
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OPT-In is not a covered entity or a business associate of its member dental providers or affiliates, as such terms are defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accessibility Act of 1996, as amended, or any regulations promulgated thereunder. Although its members and affiliates may compensate OPT-In to be listed on this site, this rating service is a benefit offered specifically to assist patients in selecting dental providers. You are directed to the Terms of Use governing this site at for further information. Any information you voluntarily submit on this form may be disclosed to the dentist being rated or to any other third party. In the event that you submit a negative review and OPT-In believes it may need to obtain your protected health, or otherwise confidential, information from your dental provider in order to investigate the matter, you will be contacted by one of OPT-In’s representatives and asked to sign a HIPAA authorization, which will allow your dentist to disclose your protected health information to OPT-In. By using this rating service, you certify that you have received this disclosure, that you hereby consent to being contacted by OPT-In’s representative and that you understand that OPT-In retains sole authority regarding whether to post a rating of its members and may not post a rating in the event it does not, in its sole discretion, believe such a rating is truthful or otherwise substantiated.

I agree to the OptIn Dental Advantage Terms of Use

Rate a Dentist

One of the great things about the OPT-In Family is our desire to communicate and  help others. Taking a moment to rate your dental visit and your dentist helps us all. Please share your experiences with your dentist and their office team, and then rate your overall impression. Using 1 to 5 stars, with 5 being the best, indicate how your dentist and their office staff performed for each question.

Example: Did your dentist explain and answer your questions to your satisfaction?

5: Outstanding

4: Very good

3: Good

2: Not very good

1: Very bad

Our Promise to You

It is our expectation that your OPT-In Dental Advantage Dental Office will provide you with a terrific experience, one you'll be happy to share with others. All reviews will be posted within 24 hours, except a low rating. In those cases, we'll attempt to contact you about your dissapointment prior to processing.  

Guidelines for posting reviews include:

  • You must assign the stars rating
  • Comments should be honest, objective, and respectful
  • Required fields are marked with a red * other fields are optional

Your name and/or email will not be made public